
Solana: Python API to get spl token details given token solscan address

Receive SPL details using Python Api

In this article, we will study the Python API provided by SOLANA LABS to obtain SPL tokens details, including current price, common delivery and mint address.


  • Install the required libraries: Python-Solana and web3

  • Set solana knot or use a local development environment with theSolana-SDKpackage

Using Python Api

Python API for SPL Token Details is provided from the packSolana_sdk, which includes module spl_taken.py. Here is an exemplary fragment of code to get started:


By Solana_sdk Import Account_Info, Mint_Info, SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS

Import Web3

Set the Solana knot or use a local development environment

W3 = Web3.Web3 (WebSocket: // Localhost: 8899)

Get details about SPL’s tokens for a given address and address of Solana’s tokena

SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS_ADDRESS = ‘0X … your-Solana-Ten-Address …’

Replace with your address

Def get_spl_token_details ():


Mint_Address = Account_Info.spl_Mint_Info (SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS.ADDRESS) .account_Info [‘address’]

Current_price = Account_Info.Spl_current_Price (Spl_token_Details.Address)

Total_supply = Account_Info.spl_total_supply (SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS.ADDRESS)

Return {

‘Mintaddress’: Mint_Address,

‘CurrentPrice’: Current_Price,

‘Outalsupply’: Total_supply


Get details about SPL tokens





The code fragment above uses the Account_info module to retrieve the mint address associated with the given address of SPL. It then uses the spl_current_price andspl_total_supply to extract the current price of the marker and the total delivery, respectively.

Using a client of Web3 API

As an alternative, you can use a web3 API client as Web3.py-Solana-Cient orPysolana to get details about SPL tokens. Here is an example fragment of code:


By Solana_sdk Import Account_Info, Mint_Info, SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS

Import Solana_Client

Set the Solana knot or use a local development environment

Customer = Solana_Client.Solanaclient ()

Get details about SPL’s tokens for a given address and address of Solana’s tokena

SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS_ADDRESS = ‘0X … your-Solana-Ten-Address …’

Replace with your address

Def get_spl_token_details ():


Mint_Address = Account_Info.spl_Mint_Info (SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS.ADDRESS) .account_Info [‘address’]

Current_price = Account_Info.Spl_current_Price (Spl_token_Details.Address)

Total_supply = Account_Info.spl_total_supply (SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS.ADDRESS)

Return {

‘Mintaddress’: Mint_Address,

‘CurrentPrice’: Current_Price,

‘Outalsupply’: Total_supply


Get details about SPL tokens





The above examples use a local development environment with the SOLANA-SDK package. For the production environments, you need to replace the address localhost: 8899 with the end point of your Solana knot.

I hope this helps! Tell me if you have any questions or need additional help.

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