
Solana: Anchor build error in solana-dapp

Solana Anchor Creation Error: Troubleshooting Guide

. However, there were reports of making some of the latest anchor mistakes. Both Solana Cli and Investigate the possible causes of these problems.

Solana Cli Output:

Solana cli output shows that follows questions have arisen:


PS D: \ CODING \ Solana \ Inchor> Solana -universia

Solana-Cli 2.1.4 (SRC: 024D047E; Feat: 288566304, Customer: Agave)

PS D: \ Coding \ Solana \ Vote \ Anchor>

Anchor -Versia

Inchor-cli 0.30.1


The exit shows that the solana cli version is 2.1.4 and the inchor cli version is 0.30.1.


Based on the Output, the causes of possible anchor structure errors include:

* Inchor Cli Configuration Problems: Team version shows that anchor cli was successfully created using the latest version, but some users reported that they were facing creation errors. This indicates that there may be a configuration problem or compatibility problem between Solana Cli and Inchor Cli.

* Solana cli updates: Solana version is 2.1.4, which is relatively recently. However, some users reported previous versions of Solana Cli. This indicates that a particular version may be more inclined to make mistakes.

Troubleshooting Steps:


* Check Anchor Cli Configuration: You can do this by adding the -config flag, followed by the path to your solana cli configuration file (eg.

* Update Solana Cli: @Recent “or” yarn add solana-cli@recent “at the root of your project.

* Check for conflicts between Solana Cli and Inchor Cli:

A npm list or yarn list.


Configuration Problems, Versions Updates, Or Compatibility Problems Between Solana Cli and Inchor Cli. The problem and ensure that your anchors are created correctly.

If You Are Experiencing Constant Creation Errors, It is recommended:

  • Check that solana cli documentation does not have known problems or configuration changes.

  • To get help, contact the solana community or the anchor support team.

  • Consider updating the solana cli version to the latest edition.

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