
Ethereum: Hardhat error – Unrecognized task ‘ignition’

Ethereum Helmet Error: Unable to start ignition task

If you are a developer building and deploying Ethereum smart contracts using Hard Hat, you have probably encountered an error while starting the ignition task. This is not uncommon, especially when switching between different versions or configurations. In this article, we will look at what the error means, possible solutions, and steps to take to resolve it.

What does HH303: Unrecognized task ‘ignite’ mean?

“HH303: Unrecognized task ‘ignite’ indicates that the helmet is attempting to execute a task named ‘ignite’.” This task seems unusual, as most smart contract deployments use deployed or build commands instead of ignition.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve this error, follow these steps:

1. Check your hardhat version

Make sure you are using the latest version of hardhat. You can check this by opening a terminal and typing:

hardhat -- version

If you are using a version other than 2.22.3, update to the latest available version.

2. Update your hardhat installation

Your hardhat may be installed in a non-standard location, or there may be problems with setting an environment variable. Try updating your hardhat to the latest version:

npm install --save-dev @hardhat/hardhat-etherscript

This should resolve any errors related to the installation.

3. Enter the hardhat command

The ignition task requires a special command --network localhost that is not in the default hardhat configuration. Update your helmet configuration to include this command:



“projects”: {

“myModule”: {

“node:build”: {

`task: hardhat ignition deploys ignition/modules/myModule.js –network localhost




// … other configurations …


4. Clean and remount the helmet

Cleaning the helmet and reinstalling it can sometimes solve the following problems:


npm uninstall -g @hardhat/hardhat-etherscript

npm install –save-dev @hardhat/hardhat-etherscript

If none of these steps solve the problem, consider restoring the file to its default settings hardhat.config.js:

Hardhat configuration file (hardhat.config.js)


module.exports = {

// … other configurations …

nodes: [

{ node: ‘localhost:8545’ },

// Add more networks as needed…



Replacelocalhost:8545` with your desired Ethereum network.


The error you are seeing indicates that the helmet is trying to perform a task called “ignite”, which seems unusual for a smart contract deployment. By following the steps below, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully ignite the helmet while wearing the hardhat. If you are still having issues, please feel free to ask and we will be happy to help!

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