
Ethereum: signing safe transactions without using the sdk safeSDK.signTransaction(txs)

I can provide you with an article on signing safe transactions without using the SDK (Ethers.js) in Dart.

Signing Transactions Without Ethers.js SDK

When working with Ethereum-based smart contracts, it’s essential to sign transactions safely to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the integrity of the contract. In this article, we’ll explore how to sign transactions without using the Ethers.js SDK.

Why Use a Different Approach?

The Ethers.js SDK provides an API for interacting with the Ethereum network, including signing transactions using the JSON-RPC API. However, using the SDK can pose security risks if not properly handled. For example:

  • Insecure Signatures: The Ethers.js SDK generates cryptographic signatures based on the transaction data. If these signatures are not verified correctly, they can be manipulated by attackers.

  • No Key Management: The SDK uses pre-generated keys for signing transactions. In a production environment, you should use securely generated and managed private keys.

Using ethers-web3 in Dart

To sign transactions safely without using the Ethers.js SDK, we’ll leverage the ethers package, which is part of the Web3.js library, but can also be used with Dart as shown below:

import 'package:ethers/ethers.dart';

// Create a new Ether account (optional)

EthAddress address = EthAddress('0x...');

// Define the transaction data


txData = {

'from': address.toHex(), // sender's Ether address

'to': '0x...', // recipient's Ether address

'value': '0x...', // value of the transaction in Ether

'gas': '1000000', // gas limit for the transaction

'gasPrice': '20.00' // gas price (in wei)


// Create a new Web3 provider instance (e.g., Infura, Alchemy)

Web3 web3 = Web3(new HttpProvider('

// Sign the transaction

EthAddress signedTxAddress;

try {

SignedTransaction signedTx = await web3.eth.signTransaction(txData);

// Update your contract's executeTransaction method to use this signed tx

} catch (error) {

print('Error signing transaction: ${error.toString()}');


signedTxAddress = signedTx.address;

// Execute the signed transaction in your Dart code

executeSignedTransaction(signedTxAddress, txData, web3);

Important Considerations

When using ethers with Dart, keep in mind:

  • Private Keys: Store your private keys securely, and use a secure method for generating and managing them.

  • Key Management: Use a well-protected key management system to ensure that only authorized users can access the signed transaction.

  • Signing Algorithms

    : The ethers package supports various signing algorithms, such as ECDSA (elliptic curve digital signature algorithm), which is more secure than RSA.

By following these steps and considering the security implications of each approach, you can safely sign transactions without using the Ethers.js SDK.

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